Glamping Germany

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Glamping Germnay

If you like to experience unique nature, but also enjoy the amenities of a nice hotel room, glamping is for you. This accommodation type has grown in popularity in the recent years and you can find glamping options almost everywhere around the globe. Its name is a combination of the words “glamour” and “camping” and hints to the idea of a more luxurious camping experience. The possibilities are endless and in reality depend mostly on the destination you choose, but mainly you will find eco-lodges, yurts, and treehouses among others.

Interestingly, this lodging style was popular ever during the 15th and 16th centuries. For example, on of the most famous encounters of such type happened in 1520 between Henry VIII and Francis I (King of France). To this day, this is considered one of the biggest displays of wealth on both sides – for 18 days numerous tents were housing the two kings and their servants and guests. The whole procession is seen as a race to outshine the other country with clothes, food feasts, games and musicians (there were even fountains with wine).

Glamping allows you to escape from today’s busy life and dive into nature, without the struggles of traditional camping. Germany has recently become a popular glamping destination. The country’s peaceful and beautiful nature provides for an easy escape from the usually busy city streets and autobahns of Germany. This country has a lot to offer not only in terms of the automotive industry.

A different perspective of Germany

Germany is a destination preferred by many tourists for a few reasons: the country has rich history and you can visit many historical sites connected with WWI and WWII; big metropolitan areas show you the modern side of Germany; you have a chance to experience the rich German culture preserved through the ages; the country is relatively safe and is famous for its order and cleanliness.

Furthermore, Germany has a lot to offer in terms of nature, too: numerous national and natural parks, a serene countryside, rivers and lakes, the Alps to the south and even a sea outlet to the north. There are many places to go and even more activities to choose from, thus the chance to do it all in one visit is absolute none. You are coming back a second time, we promise you that.

Among many natural wonders, the Black Forest is a unique place you definitely need to include on your to-do list. This beautiful mountain range covered with dense (hence the name ”black”) vegetation is located in Southwest Germany, near the famous Baden-Baden. The river Rhine passes to the west and creates a natural border between the mountain range and the country of France.

There are many sports from where you can enjoy the waters of river Rhine – one of the most important rivers throughout Europe. Specifically, the Upper Middle Rhine valley is considered a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is the home to more than 30 castles, 60 medieval town and picturesque views. Near the town of Bingen (a historical site), you can see a deep and striking gorge, where the river makes a big turn before it enters the Bacharach valley.

All the way to the north is the Wadden Sea – another UNESCO Heritage Site – part of the North Sea. An intertidal zone with shallow waters, here you can see the seabed for many kilometers at low tide. The wetlands are a unique ecosystem sheltering more than 10,000 species of animals and plants, especial during their breeding seasons.

Not far from Dresden, there as a remarkable natural phenomenon – the rocks of the Elbe Sandstone Mountains – right at the border between Germany and the Czech Republic. This place is famous among hikers and climbers due to the opulence of caves, gorges and high rock peaks. The river Elbe passes through this national park in a steep valley, creating many gorges. The rock formations were created from seabed depositions from millions of years ago. Subsequent natural processes created the remarkable natural “towers”.

In case you enjoy passing time around water, the Blautopf Lake is a must-visit. The lake is located in the south of Germany and is the source of the river Blau. The peculiar color of the water (intense blue) draws many people here. The limestone particles in the water, together with the current weather conditions and the flow of the river, dictate the intensity of the color at any specific time. This lake is also the prime source for many myths, legends and folk tales. More specific, the depth of the lake was impossible to measure for many years (now measured at 21m), thus creating many speculations. One of the more popular ones stated that every time the local tried to measure the lake’s depth, water nixes stole their tools.


During wintertime you can go skiing in one of the many ski resorts in Germany – Zugspitze, Garmisch Classic, Nebelhorn and Todtnau, with Todtnau being the oldest one. If you want to learn more about culture and traditional German countryside living, you have to visit the Black Forest Open Air Museum where you will be introduced to old farming and crafts techniques inside real farmhouse facilities built in 1620 and used since.

If you enjoy trains, then you should check out the Tiroler Zugspitzbahn. This is one of four rack railways still in use to this day in Germany. At the end of this route you will find a cable car that takes you to a panoramic platform, a restaurant, a pedestrian tunnel with many windows, and the Schneefernerhaus – a former hotel, now used as a research station.

If you are into hiking, there are a few popular trails you might take. One example is the so called Painters’ Way – a trail through the Elbe Sandstone rock formations. For those of you who like to explore flora – the Heidschnukenweg Trail is famous for its fields of flowers and plants – during summer here you can shower in the scent of lilac, heather, and many other plant species in blossoming. Last, but not least, the Rheinsteig Trail follows the river valley for 320 kilometers and is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful hikes around Europe. Expect to experience a lot of the German folklore here, as this is the home to Lorelei – the mystical home of many fairytale creatures like faeries.

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